our work

WTRRP was established in 2001 with the purpose of providing immediate practical support to vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers and helping them to understand and navigate the complex UK legal system

Our remit has grown over the years to include services which provide clients with solid foundations for their new lives in the UK should they receive leave to remain. We now support our clients and their families in a number of ways.
Here are the main services we provide currently…


A full-time Case Worker based at St Mary's Church, Watford

Our full-time Case Worker is available to offer advice and guidance to asylum seekers living in the Watford and Three Rivers area. To contact the Case Worker please email, call us or complete the form in the Contacts section.


Providing advice and support at the drop-in centre

We hold a drop-in centre at St Mary’s Church in Watford every Tuesday each month from 11.30 to 1.30 – somewhere clients can come to ask us questions and seek advice and support.


Running a social hub

We run a social hub at St Mary’s Church in Watford every Tuesday 11.30am to 1.30pm for our clients – providing a warm, relaxed environment for clients to chat, play games, take part in craft activites and meet other people. We have regular visits from community service providers, including health care professionals, council representatives and well being experts, sharing information and guidance that our clients often find difficult to access. We also offer donated books and clothes for clients to browse and take away as well as toiletries, nappies and sanitary products.


‘English for Speakers of Other Languages’ (ESOL) classes

Our free ESOL classes give clients the opportunity to improve their command of the English language and learn about the culture of their adoptive country.


Helping clients and their families move house and giving practical help

When clients are required to move at short notice, we ensure that they’re safely transported to their new homes along with their furniture and belongings. We also help clients with other practical matters from time to time.


Helping children of clients participate in sporting and other activities

We can pay club subscriptions and help pay for kit, as well as help with organised
sport in the school holidays.



Befriending refugees and asylum seekers is still at the core of what we do. This involves one of our volunteers getting to know a family or an individual and providing ongoing support and friendship.


Click the links below to see WTRRP’s safeguarding policies for adults and children

To view our safeguarding children policy, January 2025, click here
To view our safeguarding adults policy, January 2025, click here